Book Title: Women in Sales

Book Information
Book Description
Women & Power: Your Guidebook to Risk, Resilience, and Confidence is the ideal resource for women who are held back by their inner voice. Based on Sojka’s national award-winning class at the University of Cincinnati, Dr. Jane Ziegler Sojka now brings her techniques for eliminating the self-limiting behaviors women create for themselves directly to you. Whether you start on page one or at the area you feel you need to focus on first, Sojka’s system allows women to close the gender gap in skills critical for success in sales. With options for completing the book with a group of fan girls, a mixed group, or on your own, the information, practice steps and reflection is now followed by thousands of women at all ages and in all walks of life.
Women in Sales Copyright © by University of Cincinnati Press is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Management: leadership and motivation