H5P activities list

This book includes 195 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
148Ch 9 HW LO1 adv. and disadv. decentralizationMark the Words
149Ch 9 HW LO 3 adv. and disadv. ROIMark the Words
150Ch 9 HW LO 5 SROIMultiple Choice
151Ch 9 CYU LO5 SROIGuess the Answer
152Ch 10 CYU LO1 Relevant costsMark the Words
153Ch 10 CYU LO2 relevant irrelevant costDrag the Words
154Ch 10 CYU LO2 Fixed costs relevancyDrag the Words
155Ch 10 P/R add or dropFill in the Blanks
156Ch 10 CYU LO 3 add or dropFill in the Blanks
157Ch 10 HW LO3 Add or dropFill in the Blanks
159Ch 10 CYU LO4 make or buyFill in the Blanks
160Ch 10 P/R LO4 make or buyFill in the Blanks
161Ch 10 HW LO4 Make or buyFill in the Blanks
162Ch 10 P/R LO4 Make or buyFill in the Blanks
163Ch 10 HW LO5 Special orderFill in the Blanks
164testIframe Embedder
165Ch 2 CYU LO2 Inventory asset accountsMultiple Choice
166Ch 11 CYU LO1 payback periodDrag the Words
167Ch 11 CYU LO2 simple rate of returnDrag the Words
168Ch 11 CYU LO3 time value of moneyDrag the Words
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