15 Revising the Narrative
This section will lead you through the guidelines for revising narrative essays in reference to two samples: another student’s essay and your own essay. Revising is often much easier to do with someone else’s writing, which is why we will begin with a writing sample from another student. If you can see some of the strengths and weaknesses in this essay, you might be able to identify areas for improvement in your own writing.
Student Sample Essay
Revising the Student Sample Essay
Thesis Statement
Does the thesis statement contain the essay’s controlling idea and an opinion about that idea?
Does the thesis appear as the last sentence of the introduction?
- Put brackets around the last sentence in the introduction paragraph. Does it contain the main point? Does it express the author’s opinion about that point?
- Rewrite the thesis statement if necessary, so that it states the author’s main point and an opinion about that main point.
Basic Elements
Does the title draw in the readers?
Does the introduction capture the reader’s attention and build up effectively to the thesis statement?
Does each body paragraph deal with a single topic?
Does the conclusion bring the essay to a close in an interesting way?
- Give the essay an alternate title. Also drop the quotation marks, since original title should not be in quotation marks.
- Rewrite the introduction so that it captures the reader’s attention and builds up to the thesis statement at the end of the paragraph.
- Does each of the body paragraphs deal with only one topic?
- Rewrite the conclusion.
Do the body paragraphs adequately support the thesis statement?
Does each body paragraph have a focused topic sentence?
Does each body paragraph contain specific details that support the topic sentence?
Does each body paragraph include enough details to fully explain the topic sentence?
- Write out the thesis statement (revised, if necessary), and list the three topic sentences below it.
Thesis Statement: _______________________________________________
Topic 1: _________________________________________________________
Topic 2: _________________________________________________________
Topic 3: _________________________________________________________
- Do the topic sentences adequately support the thesis statement?
- Does each body paragraph have a focused topic sentence?
Do the essay’s topic sentences relate directly to the thesis statement?
Do the details in each body paragraph support the paragraph’s topic sentence?
- Read each of the topic sentences, with the thesis statement (revised, if necessary) in mind. Do they go together?
- Revise the topic sentences if necessary so they are directly related.
- Drop or rewrite any of the sentences in his body paragraphs that are not directly related to their topic sentences.
Is the essay organized logically?
Is each body paragraph organized logically?
- Read the essay again to see if all the paragraphs are arranged chronologically.
- Move any paragraphs that are out of order.
- Look closely at the body paragraphs to see if all the sentences are arranged logically within paragraph.
- Move any sentences that are out of order.
Are transitions used effectively so that paragraphs move smoothly and logically from one to the next?
Do the sentences move smoothly and logically from one to the next?
- Circle five words or phrases that are repeated in the essay.
- Explain how two of these words or phrases make the essay easier to read.
Revising Your Own Essay
Thesis Statement
Does the thesis statement contain the essay’s controlling idea and an opinion about that idea?
Does the thesis appear as the last sentence of the introduction?
- What is the main point of your essay?
- What is your opinion about the main point?
- Put brackets around the last sentence in your introduction. Does it contain your main point and your opinion about that point?
Basic Elements
Does the title draw in the readers?
Does the introduction capture the reader’s attention and build up effectively to the thesis statement?
Does each body paragraph deal with a single topic?
Does the conclusion bring the essay to a close in an interesting way?
- Give your essay a title if it doesn’t have one.
- Does your introduction capture your readers’ attention and build up to your thesis statement at the end of the paragraph?
- Does each of your body paragraph deal with only one topic?
Does the body paragraphs adequately support the thesis statement?
Does each body paragraph have a focused topic sentence?
Does each body paragraph contain specific details that support the topic sentence?
Does each body paragraph include enough details to fully explain the topic sentence?
- Write out your thesis statement (revised, if necessary), and list your topic sentences below it.
Thesis statement: _________________________________________
Topic 1: ___________________________________________
Topic 2: ____________________________________________
Topic 3: _____________________________________________
- Does your topics adequately support your thesis statement?
- Does each body paragraph have a focused topic sentence?
- Record at least one detail you use in response to each journalistic question.
Who? _______________________________________________
What? _______________________________________________
When? _______________________________________________
Where? ________________________________________________
Why? _________________________________________________
How? _________________________________________________
- Add at least one new detail to your essay that support your main idea.
Do the essay’s topic sentences relate directly to the thesis statement?
Do the details in each body paragraph support the paragraph’s topic sentence?
- Read each of your topic sentences with your thesis statement in mind. Do they go together?
- Revise your topic sentences if necessary so they are directly related.
- Drop or rewrite any of the sentences in your body paragraphs that are not directly related to their topic sentences.
Is the essay organized logically?
Is each body paragraph organized logically?
- Read your essay again to see if all the paragraphs are arranged logically.
- Refer to your answers to the development questions. Then identify your method of organization:
- Is the order you chose for your paragraphs the most effective approach to your topic?
- Move any paragraphs that are out of order.
- Look closely at your body paragraphs to see if all the sentences are arranged logically within paragraphs.
- Move any sentences that are out of order.
Are transitions used effectively so that paragraphs move smoothly and logically from one to the next?
Do the sentences move smoothly and logically from one to the next?
- Circle five words or phrases you repeat.
- Explain how two of these make your essay easier to read.