

Any book has many contributors in addition to the person who actually does the writing. This book has more than most, because it is about a joint endeavor of the most serious kind, involving the careers and education of thousands of faculty and students, as well as the lives and livelihoods of middle-class working people in many different occupations across Ohio.

My colleagues at the University of Cincinnati have been wonderfully supportive and intellectually challenging. My colleagues with the AAUP across the state and the nation always have our backs. My local chapter of the AAUP is a remarkable organization because of the peo- ple who contribute their time to make it so. The energy and optimism of our students is a constant inspiration. My family has been invalu- able. I wish to thank those people, as well, who directly helped me with this book. Because they are many and helped in different ways, I hesitate to name them, but I will try to name a few. They include Andrea Tuttle Kornbluh, Sara Kilpatrick, Ionas Rus, Debby Herman, Marty Kich, and Evan Barrett. The great staff at Palgrave have helped enormously, among them Matthew Kopel, Brian O’Connor, and Scarlet Neath.

Nevertheless, this book and any mistakes it may contain or opinions it expresses are mine and mine alone.

This book is dedicated to the people of Ohio. It is often said that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, fail to take a stand. In this time of great moral crisis in our battle against Senate Bill 5, the people of Ohio stood up for the middle class and did what was right. We will always be grateful.


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Collective Bargaining and the Battle for Ohio Copyright © 2021 by University of Cincinnati Press is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.